Friday, December 18, 2009

New Jersey Day

It's a state.
On December 18, 1787 new Jersey became the third state of the US.
The celebration includes waring thins with I <3 NJ.
It's celebrated on this day to commemorate New Jersey's admission To the union.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Halcyon Day

Halcyon is in California.
Halcyon California is an unincorporated community Of approximelty 125 acres(0.5 km)in San Luis Obispo County California.
that is located just beyond the southern border of the city of Arroyo Grande.
It was founded in 1998 as a Theosophist international community and is the home and headquarters of religious organization.

Friday, December 11, 2009

international mountain day

International mountain day is an opportunity o create awareness about the importance of mountains to life.
It was the UN general assembly who designated december 11, from 2003 onwards.
Some mountains are big and small.
Sometimes animals live on them.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Human Rights Day

Human rights day is celebrated annually across the world on the 10th of december.
The date was chosen to honor the United Nations general assembly's adoption and proclaition on December 10 1948.
The the Universal delaration of human rights, the first global enuncation of hman rights.
The formal establishment of human rights day occured at the 317th plentary meeting of the genarl assembly on december 4, 1950.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

the 30th anniversary of small pox

The eradication of smallpox represents one of the greatest accomplishments in modern medicine , science and health today 30 years after the last patientwas diagnosed and treated ,we celabrate the hard work and dedication of scores of workers around the world who conribute in the global eradication effort. Smallpoxs has always been feared.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Pearl Harbor Day

The attack on Pearl Harbor was an unannounced military strike conducted by the japanese navy against the US Naval base at Pearl harbor (Hawaii on the morning of december 7, 1941.
It resulted in the United States entry into World War 2.
the attack was intended as a preventive action to keep The U.S. pacific fleet from influencing the war the empire of Japan was planning in south east Asia against Britain and the Netherlands .
As well as the U.S. in the Philippines.

Pearl Harbor Day

Friday, December 4, 2009

national dice day

Dice are the oldest gaming implements known to man.
You use them to play all sorts of games.
Egyptian tombs, dated to 2000 BC, have been found containing dice and dice reputedly dated to 6000 BC have been uncovered in archaeological excavations.
In ancient times the throw of a dice was not just considered to be luck, the outcome was believed to be controlled by the gods, and casting dice was a way of dividing inheritances, choosing rulers and as a method of prediction.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

International day for the abolition of slavery

Its celabrated on December 2.
Recalls the date of The adoption that was made by the genaral asembaly.
Of the United Nations Conversation For The Suppression of the traffic in person and of the exploition of the prostitution of others.
On November 28, 2006 the assembly designated march 25 2007 as the international day for the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade.